Monday, December 7, 2009

Show time

Some one suggested i change my name from Patrick Charles Walter to Patrick Cannon Walter. I might.

Well all of my work for the show is completed. I feel that the work has come out better than i expected. Last night we had our pre-sale at the old Blatz brewery and it was extreme successful. My work was well received and i actually sold a few things. I didnt sell any rings however, only pendants. Hopefully ill sell more at the Sale, if we dont get snowed out again this year.

For my work this semester i wanted to create work that was interactive and fun to experience. These are more than rings, they are instruments of mischief and are intended to stimulate even the most mature mind. All pieces are full functioning, firing systems. All include a supply of ammo as well as a carrying pouch.

This series of work is by far my most accomplished to date. These piece came easily to me, I didnt do much sketching for model making for these piece, the only sketches I did are located in the margins of my lecture notes. I feel that my craft hasnt been this sharp and resolved. I am eager to continue this series and improve my craft even further. I wonder what the next variations will look like? Maybe they wont even look like cannons, cannon incognito.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

lets see some work.

Alright. finally. i got something done, well almost. This is the first piece for the jewelry sale this year. Its slow going, but i hope to have at least twenty pieces for the sale. these rings are adjustable and all fully functioning. I've been trying to figure out what these rings should go for; i was thinking around 50 bones, but im not sure. This did take me about 10 hours to complete. I have other cannons in iron and i am making pendants as well; the pendants will probably go for around 30. im having trouble with finish though, i cant decide weather to go new and shiny, or old and corroded. i think some of each perhaps.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Cafe for two.

I had Frank in mind when I saw this. This is a 1974 Honda cb 750. It has been customized in the style of the legendary Cafe Racers of the 1950's and 1960's. These are racing bikes, they precede modern sport bikes. Cafe Racers are modified for the purpose of racing; they have powerful engines and are trimmed of any unnecessary weight. The handle bars are lowered and the foot control are in the rear position, this is done to create a low and more aerodynamic profile while riding. These bikes are built for speed, maneuverability and cool cat styling.
What interests me about these bikes is the attention to craft, detail, and the utilitarian nature of all the components on the bike. These are no frill machines, but having said that, the design is reflective of an era of rock and roll and slicked backed haircuts. These were the machines of societies out casts and the design of the bike is reflective of the noncompliance to conformity; no two cafe racers are the same. These cyclists used their machines as a way to set themselves apart from the larger society. These bikes, like art, says something with out having to use words or gimmicks. These bikes are art.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Steam Punk?

Steam Punk. These spectacles are model after the movement of Steam Punk. Lets see here. Steam Punk is what everything would look like if H.G Wells had been elected president.  Steam punk is a genre of fantasy, as the term denotes, pieces are styled after the era of when steam was the dominate form of energy and motion.  The practitioners of this movement have an infinity towards gears, steam engines, and old pocket watches. Steam Punkers customize anything and everything; from laptop computers to electric guitars.

These specs are fabricated; using brass, copper, nickel, and other steel whats-its and do-hickies. I imagine a mad scientist or crazed train conductor wearing these massive specs. 

I personally like this design movement for its contemporary approach to Victorian design and the dedication to craft.  Most of the works I've found online are usually well crafted and appear to be completely functionable.  If you know my work, I aspire to perfect my craft and it is important to me that an object be well designed and completely functionable for its task. 

Monday, October 19, 2009


These rings, made by Wes Airgoode are forged from solid pieces of copper rods with sterling bands. They were started by drilling a large hole in the rods and then are forged larger over stakes and the sterling silver bands are inserted after.

What I enjoy about these rings is the gestural quality to them.  They stand at vicarious angles and they appear to be almost falling over, which gives them tension and movement.  These rings are about the process of forging and how the process directly influence the final pieces.

Monday, October 12, 2009

my newest body of work will blow you away! hopefully only sting.

Bombs Away. 

My production line for this years Jewelry sale will be comprised of cannons.  I am interested in cannons not because of there deadly implications, but when you reduce the size and deadliness of these historic objects they become instruments for mischievous action.  The wearer of these cannon will become their own artillery team, and thus can rain down havoc on any unsuspecting belligerent from a stealthy local.  

I plan constructing to forms of cannon; a ring version and a necklace version.  The ring will come in various sizes, 6-10 I'm thinking.  The ring will have a sterling band, surrounded in a steel framework and the barrels will be made of  machined brass and cast iron.  The cannon will be mounted on a swivel for a 360 degree firing range.  The neck pieces will be more simple.  They will have larger cannon than the rings, probably about 3 in. in length.  They will be mounted on long chains.  Both variations will be fully functioning; i.e. they will fire.  They will be powered by a compression spring and a plunger system, and the ammo will be bronze casting grain. I am also including a practice target to prefect your aim.  Hopefully these will cause quit a wallop.  Maybe not the best gifts for young children or immature adults.
**manufacturer not responsible for injury, lawsuit, or any other devilish behavior; wear at own risk!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

preparing for the coming weeks guest artist.

This neck piece made by Andy Cooperman is more than just a necklace.  Its a magnifying glass neck piece. Its makes your tiny and weak little diamond large and impressive.  Who says you have to spend thousands on a large karat diamond when you can just enlarge the one you already have at home? This makes me think what is more important; a large karat diamond, or the appearance of a large stone? They're both diamonds; aren't they? One is just more intelligently presented, not to mention more economically viable. This piece, to me speaks about how valuable materials, such as diamonds,  can be used effectively, but yet still be more affordable without loosing the power of the diamond.  

Thursday, September 24, 2009

So ive been working on my next project, and ive been kicking around this idea.  I was thinking while i was lost in chicago the other day that it would really handy if a had a compass right now. So i was pondering the idea of a compass and started thinking about GPS systems. Predominately how much i hate the things.  I know not every one grew up a boy scout like me, but i can figure out the general direction by just looking at the position of the the sun.

 I've been trying to figure out what exactly i dislike about GPS systems and other types technology like it. (random question: what the hell is a 3G network anyway?)  What i dislike about them can be summed up in describing the difference between analog and digital technologies. I ve done a little reach on this and also on various types of compass'.

So for my next project i intend on fabricating a hand bearing compass.  This will be a fully functioning compass, but also i want to reference GPS systems directly through the form.  This could either done using text, symbols, or referencing the form on a TOM TOM through the use of similar armatures.  

Lets me know what you think, im open to suggestions.

Compass vs. TOM TOM


Analog vs. Digital

Analog-Analog recording methods store audio signals as a continual wave in or on the media. The wave might be stored as a physical texture on a phonograph record, or a fluctuation in the field strength of a magnetic recording. This is different from digital recording, which converts audio signals into discrete numbers.

Digital- video or sound is converted into a stream of discrete numbers, representing the changes in chroma and luminance values (video) or air pressure (audio) through time, thus making an abstract template for the original sound or moving image.

Difference: analog information is recorded and stored as a physical document; i.e. an LP or Film. Digital recording is converted into binary code (010101010101).  This method doesn’t register all frequencies and thus round the wave-lengths up or down in a mathematical manner, thus resulting in an approximation of the original recording.

Compass’ (Analog)

Dry Compass-The dry mariner's compass was invented in Europe around 1300. The dry mariner's compass consists of three elements: A freely pivoting needle on a pin enclosed in a little box with a glass cover and a wind rose, whereby "the wind rose or compass card is attached to a magnetized needle in such a manner that when placed on a pivot in a box fastened in line with the keel of the ship the card would turn as the ship changed direction, indicating always what course the ship was on". Later, compasses were often fitted into a gimbal mounting to reduce grounding of the needle or card when used on the pitching and rolling deck of a ship.

Bearing Compass- is a magnetic compass mounted in such a way that it allows the taking of bearings of objects by aligning them with the lubber line of the bearing compass. The bearing compass was steadily reduced in size and weight to increase portability, resulting in a model that could be carried and operated in one hand. In 1885, a patent was granted for a hand compass fitted with a viewing prism and lens that enabled the user to accurately sight the heading of geographical landmarks, thus creating the prismatic compass. Another sighting method was by means of a reflective mirror. First patented in 1902, the Bézard compass consisted of a field compass with a mirror mounted above it. This arrangement enabled the user to align the compass with an objective while simultaneously viewing its bearing in the mirror.

Hand Bearing Compass- is a term for any compact magnetic compass capable of one-hand use and fitted with a sighting device to record a precise bearing or azimuth to a given target or to determine a location.

Liquid Compass- is a design in which the magnetized needle or card is damped by fluid to protect against excessive swing or wobble, improving readability while reducing wear. A rudimentary working model of a liquid compass was introduced by Sir Edmund Halley at a meeting of the Royal Society in 1690. However, as early liquid compasses were fairly cumbersome and heavy, and subject to damage, their main advantage was aboard ship. Protected in a binnacle and normally gimbal-mounted, the liquid inside the compass housing effectively damped shock and vibration, while eliminating excessive swing and grounding of the card caused by the pitch and roll of the vessel

GPS: tom tom and garmin…

GPS-s a U.S. space-based global navigation satellite system. It provides reliable positioning, navigation, and timing services to worldwide users on a continuous basis in all weather, day and night, anywhere on or near the Earth. GPS is made up of three parts: between 24 and 32 satellites orbiting the Earth, four control and monitoring stations on Earth, and the GPS receivers owned by users. GPS satellites broadcast signals from space that are used by GPS receivers to provide three-dimensional location (latitude, longitude, and altitude) plus the time.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Serious Bling.

This piece by Lauren Kalman is not what you call "traditional".  This piece is bling for your gums.  The piece is made from Gold plated copper and is cast.

What is intriguing to me about this piece is that it adorns a part of the body that hasn't ever been embellished in the normal sense.  The idea of this object is ridiculous in terms of a practical piece of jewelry, and thats what is fun about this piece.  Its grotesque and a little disturbing, but I can't turn my eyes away.  

Sunday, September 13, 2009

This ring was made by Rob Jackson. Rob Jackson is a metalsmithing Professor at the University of Georgia in Athens.  This ring is made from a found iron nail with gold and a ruby.  This ring was cast using the lost wax casting process and the stone was cast in place as well.  Rob works primarily in steel and iron, most of which is found in nature or in the walls of an old barn.  

This piece intrigues me because of its use of found material and the reordering of the metal hierarchy.  The steel is the most important aspect of the ring; the gold and ruby are off to the side and behind the nail,  making the first thing you notice is the nail itself.  This ring comments on issues of preciousness and worth.  Which aspect of the ring is the most important?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

INtro to Me.

Hello ALL,

My name is Patrick Charles Walter and I'm a MetalSmith from Milwaukee; and this is my blog...

This blog is designed to show you my work from inception to final assembly.  The title of my blog is "Fatto a Mano" which means "made by hand" in Italian.  As you will read, you will learn that I am obsessed with Italy after I lived there in the Spring of 2009.

I am currently an Undergraduate student at UW-Milwaukee and I am studying MetalSmithing and History.  I should be graduating by the end of this year, Spring 2010.   After Undergrad I have tentative plans to either go straight to Grad school or I'm going to take a year off and hike the Appalachain trail, all 2300 miles of it.  Ideally I would like to attend Grad school out East or even farther East, in Italy, my other home, or at least I wish.